Sunday, September 4, 2011

Nursery Rhyme- Children's Literature

So each of us were assigned a nursery rhyme by Madam Zilla.We were given the title of the nursery rhyme and told to learn the nursery rhyme on our own. In the next class, each of us came forward and present it to the class. Here are some of it:

I see the moon by Dadyana Dominic Kajan:

Little Miss Muffet by Hwong Chia Yiong:

Ladybug Ladybug by Fiona Lee:

Hickory Dickory Dock by Bonaventure Normumin:

Hey Diddle Diddle by Patrick Su:

The old and the pussy cat by Kong Chung Hua:

Humpty Dumpty by Fringkey Saimon Fung:

Little Bo Peep by Cassandra Cassanius:

I had a little nut tree by Cleopatra Charles:

A tisket a tasket by Wong Chai Ling:

Five Little Chicken by Nur Amalina:

Said the first little chicken with a queer little squirm,
“Oh, I wish I could find a fat little worm!”
Said the second little chicken with an odd little shrug,
“Oh, I wish I could find a fat little bug!”
Said the third little chicken with a little sigh of grief,
“Oh, I wish I could find a green little leaf!”
Said the fourth little chicken with a sharp little squeal,
“Oh, I wish I could find some nice yellow meal!”
Said the fifth little chicken with a faint little moan,
“Oh, I wish I could find a wee gravel stone!”
“Now see here!” said their mother from the green garden patch,
“If you want any breakfast, you just come here and scratch!”

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

2nd Anniversary everyone!

Believe or not, it has been 2 years since we were accepted into Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Tawau. Happy Anniversary! :D

Thanks God that we'd done well for the one and a half year of foundation. Sadly, one of us left this IPG for another IPG due to health problem. Anyway, we thank you,Irda for the greatest moments we had together. We miss you and will never forget you.

The first semester of PISMP has passed and everyone is still here, successfully gone through the previous 6 months. Congratulation dear TESLians!

Monday, June 20, 2011

2nd Semester

Back to college! Today's the start of another semester for all IPG teacher trainees. Second semester for us. Get the previous final exam result. Phew. :)

To our first TESL juniors, welcome to Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Tawau. :D

Saturday, May 28, 2011


This blog haven't been updated in a long time *seriously long time* sorry for it. Something that we have learn throughout our PPISMP years might be useful to others but due to bad time management and lots of fun thing happening we failed to manage and update this blog. I would like to apologize for our selfishness and try to make it up to you *who ever you are*. Thank you for your constant support and once again SORRY...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Stumble Upon...


Heebie-Jeebies: The Curse of Macbeth

Given its shocking history of disorder and death, actors have come to the logical conclusion that Macbeth is unlucky. The best known of all theatrical superstitions forbids actors from mentioning the name of "that Scottish play" anywhere inside the theater other than onstage. If an actor mistakenly lets the "M" word slip in the dressing room he or she must perform a ritual to reverse the curse.
Although these antics vary depending on who you ask, most times the actor will run from the building, turn around three times, spit, and then ask permission to reenter the theater. It is just as distressing for actors to hear a quote from the play uttered outside the theater. If this happens, the offender must recite an equal number of lines from another play. The distinguished Shakespearean actor, Patrick Stewart (best known to Trekkies as Captain Picard), finds salvation in lines from A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

And one more thing: It is considered as bad luck to say "Good Luck" before a play starts...
say; "Break a Leg" instead... 

Your character according to Shakespeare

Some of you might have different interpretation of the characters. Here is what Shakespeare thinks of them. (only the main characters that are going to be staged)
1. Macbeth
  • reign in terror
  • a divided man- has a moral code, on the other hand has burning ambition to be king
  • never happy or secure on his throne
  • always restless
  • brave in battle
  • have a terrible mood swings
  • confidence, gullible superstition, anger, despair, apathy & recklessness 
2. Lady Macbeth
  • a determined and ruthless woman
  • have a shrewd insight into kindness (sees it as a weakness in Macbeth)
  • practical and cunning
  • charming
  • quick thinking and sharped tongued
Despite all of the above she also have:
  • human compassion (the sleeping king reminded her of her own father)
  • guilt - leads to sleepwalking, near-madness and death
3. Malcolm
  • shrewd and purposeful
  • clever military leader - tells his men to cover themselves with branches from Birnam woods
  • brave and capable in battle
4. Macduff
  • have a genuinely deep feelings
  • response to the murders of Duncan and his own family
  • love his country
  • brave and determined
5. Three witches
  • physically and morally loathsome
  • have hairs sprouting from their chins
  • wrinkled, have thin lips and roughened fingers
  • delight in hurting, hindering & fooling people
  • mix together bits and pieces of various animals - represent perversion and fragmentation of the order of nature
  • stand for something evil in Macbeth
I hope that this information helps you to get into character and some idea on the persona you should use on stage. All the best...lets put our mask on everyone.....

Different Persona

According to the dictionary the meaning of the word persona is a role or character adopted by an author or actor/ actress. Now that we know the meaning of the word persona, let's try to get into character for the play. ruthless and bold, just like what Lady Macbeth said. "look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under't" Lady Macbeth, full of guilt and sorrow...Irda, nail the Oh! oh! oh! part (line 44-45). on your soliloquy. "Life brief candle" deserve a little justice from you. * this sentence sounds weird*. Fiona and Love..fighting scene...chop her head of can do it. The three witches...bring your wickedness out. Unleash all evil. Work on your expression and please show some emotion. Stage manager...better come out with the stage direction soon. It will be easier for our actors and actresses to work on their movement and imagine the emotion involve.
Don't forget to work on your voice projection. We don't want people to not hear you. For those who have problem feel free to share. Help might be a stone throw away.

Let the emotion flow!!!